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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

10 Forms of Social Media Bullying and Harassment to Watch Out For

As social media usage has increased, so have the different types of abuse, harassment, bullying, and defamation victims can face online. One of the most powerful tools to combat this growing trend is education, making it easier to handle situations that can suddenly materialize. This blog discusses the ten forms of social media bullying and harassment by offering concrete examples and insights into its many forms.

10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Social Media Abuse and Harassment

Since the beginning of social media, people from all over have been able to share their thoughts and ideas. The dark side of this revolutionary change is that not everyone has something kind to say, which makes protecting yourself against social media harassment critical.

What is a Document Retention Policy And Why Do You Need One?

Any business that deals with sensitive information needs a document retention policy. Does your business have staff you keep records on, for example? If so, your business deals with sensitive information.

When Fake Electronic Evidence Is Used in Court

As more of our personal and professional lives play out online and within digital spaces, it’s unsurprising to learn that an increasing amount of electronic evidence is being presented to the courts in relation to a wide number of legal cases. In fact, the worldwide Digital Forensics industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13% between 2020 to 2027.

Understanding False Website Advertising Claims and Preventing Them

Advertising is an essential part of business. In an ever-competitive marketing environment, companies routinely make bold claims in hopes of piquing consumers' interest. Inevitably, some cross the line and find themselves in sticky legal situations for false advertising.

Meet and Confer: Understanding FRCP Rule 26(f)

An efficient and cooperative discovery stage can have a huge impact on the smooth progression of a legal case. As the examination of increasingly vast quantities of electronic documents becomes commonplace, an effective and dependable approach to this important element of modern litigation is essential.

6 Steps to Implementing a Legal Hold

Companies must ensure they are in total compliance with data preservation requirements—and with the growing amounts of ESI generated, it is increasingly common for litigation to require access to evidence stored digitally. So what can legal teams do to ensure that crucial data is placed on legal hold and not disposed of?

What Is a JSON File? And What Role Does It Play in eDiscovery?

If you’re involved in eDiscovery in any way, you’ve undoubtedly come across JSON files. These files increasingly act as the way in which we access and interact with digital evidence—especially as the limitations of screenshot evidence are highlighted by courts. But what exactly is a JSON file? And why are so many legal professionals absolutely frustrated with this format?

eDiscovery: Frequently Asked Questions

Traditional discovery is the initial phase of litigation when all parties are required to provide records and evidence relevant to a specific case. However, thanks to the explosion of electronically stored information (ESI), discovery must now work alongside eDiscovery—a process that involves the identification, preservation, collection, retention, and review of data in an electronic format. This makes the discovery exponentially larger and more complex.

Collecting Online Evidence? Don’t Let Screenshots Sink Your Case

Imagine for a second that you need to collect evidence from someone’s Facebook or Twitter account. Like a surprising number of criminals, the person has just posted something incredibly incriminating that could really help your case. However, there’s also a good chance that they’ll come to their senses and delete the post. The evidence can disappear at any moment—so you need to act quickly.

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