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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

George van Rooyen

George van Rooyen

George van Rooyen is the Content Marketing Manager at Pagefreezer.

Recent Posts:

What Is Social Media Impersonation (Identity Theft)? And How Can You Prevent It?

With the rise of social media, individuals have become increasingly comfortable sharing personal information online. However, this has also made them susceptible to social media impersonation, a growing phenomenon that can lead to identity theft and other online fraud. Impersonators can easily create fake profiles and use stolen personal information to deceive others. They may use this information to gain access to private accounts or even steal money.

How to (Really) Archive Microsoft Teams Chats and Channels

If you're familiar with Microsoft Teams, you probably know about its built-in archive feature. By visiting the Microsoft Teams Admin Center (you need to be a Teams administrator to do this), you can quickly archive a team, which removes it from the active list and makes it read-only.

9 Ways to Deal With the Legal & Compliance Challenges of Microsoft Teams

The adoption rate of Microsoft Teams over the last few years has been nothing short of astonishing. In 2019, just prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft's collaboration platform had around 20 million users. As of 2022 (the most recent stats available), the number of active users sits at 270 million! This incredible growth is a testament to the benefits that Teams offers organizations—especially in an environment where many employees are working remotely.

Pagefreezer Adds Microsoft Teams Archiving to Suite of Recordkeeping Solutions

Pagefreezer now offers Microsoft Teams archiving as part of its legal and compliance solutions.

Pagefreezer and ACEDS Releases E-Discovery Report on Dynamic, Cloud-Based ESI

The popularity of online channels—such as company websites, social media accounts, collaboration platforms, and messaging apps—grew steadily throughout the 2010s. But with the arrival of the COVID pandemic at the start of 2020, these online data sources became crucial to the day-to-day operation of countless organizations.

How City & State Government Offices Can Scale Open Records Request Processes

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide protests, many city and state government offices have seen a surge in open records requests. In some instances, the number of requests has doubled, and backlogged FOIA cases jumped nearly 18% in 2020 from 2019.

Top 5 Challenges for Public Information Officers (+ How to Overcome Them)

Emergency management, incident response, election details, program announcements, updates to transportation routes, event promotions, funding decisions, and town hall management. These are just some of the many areas of responsibility that public information officers (PIOs) can be expected to manage. No matter the government agency they work for, PIOs are essential in fostering trust between communities and the government on a federal, state, and local level.

Why Social Media Account Archiving is Critical for Open Records Compliance

Amidst an ever-increasing amount of misinformation, internet trolls, and open records requests, social media archiving has become an imperative for public entities and businesses.

Data Archiving for Government: Battling Disinformation & Misinformation

The internet has become a breeding ground for misinformation and disinformation. According to the Pew Research Center, Americans' exposure to––and belief in––misinformation differs by the specific news outlets and the general pathways they rely on. More specifically, people who rely on social media are more prone to consuming misinformation and disinformation.

Why Local Police and Fire Departments Should Archive Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook

Social media archiving is necessary for police and fire departments to comply with open record laws. It can also help facilitate crisis communication and foster organizational trust within the community.

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    Spoliation, Sanctions, and Staying Social Media Savvy

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    Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer

    In the past year, Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer have expanded and held over 35 unique events to an audience of over 150! Affinity Groups are employee-led groups centered on a specific identity or experience, designed to build community, provide customized support, share resources, and give feedback to the organization through advocacy; you may know them as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). By providing the opportunity to champion an identity or experience they personally resonate with in the workplace, employees are able to impact the employee experience and culture, grow their personal and professional development, and form meaningful connections through leading or participating in an Affinity group.

    Why Social Media is a Goldmine for Evidence and Essential for Investigations

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