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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

Amy Ross

Recent Posts:

A Quick Guide to Developing a Company Social Media Policy

Social media is a big part of your marketing strategy, your brand awareness, and your company image. Not only so, but with the rise of chat platforms like Workplace by Facebook, Yammer & Chatter, internal social media networks (or enterprise social media networks) are integral communication tools for making company announcements, talking about upcoming events, uniting workforces and encouraging employee communication. These are all good things. However, unlike other media, social media – both public facing and internal versions are also platforms whereby the content and the conversations that take place are largely out of your control.

Your Website is Crucial to Your Business – Have You Thought About How it Could Hurt You?

Seems like everyday now, we hear about another big retailer declaring bankruptcy or closing down a large percentage of their brick and mortar locations, transferring that capital to the online strategy. Some are calling it the retail apocalypse…Radio Shack, Payless Shoes, Kmart, Michael Kors. JC Penney…and so many more – in 2017 alone, more than 6000 stores have been closed.

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    Spoliation, Sanctions, and Staying Social Media Savvy

    Social media has changed the way we share ideas, the way we get our news, the way we make purchases, and the way we conceptualize ourselves and our community. It has changed the way we keep in touch with our friends and family and the way we do business.

    Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer

    In the past year, Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer have expanded and held over 35 unique events to an audience of over 150! Affinity Groups are employee-led groups centered on a specific identity or experience, designed to build community, provide customized support, share resources, and give feedback to the organization through advocacy; you may know them as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). By providing the opportunity to champion an identity or experience they personally resonate with in the workplace, employees are able to impact the employee experience and culture, grow their personal and professional development, and form meaningful connections through leading or participating in an Affinity group.

    Why Social Media is a Goldmine for Evidence and Essential for Investigations

    Social media has become a treasure trove for legal evidence, providing insights into to people's lives and behaviors, that can significantly impact investigations and litigation. Users are driven by algorithms to post engaging, often provocative content, leading to a wealth of incriminating evidence.