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Nihad A. Hassan

Nihad A. Hassan

Nihad A. Hassan is an independent Cybersecurity consultant, digital forensics and Cyber OSINT expert, online blogger, and book author. He has been actively conducting research on different areas of information security for more than a decade and has developed numerous cybersecurity education courses and technical guides. He has completed several technical security consulting engagements involving security architectures, penetration testing, computer crime investigation, and cyber open source intelligence (OSINT). Nihad has authored six books and hundreds of information security articles for various global publications. His current work focuses on digital forensics, anti-forensics techniques, digital privacy, and cyber OSINT.

Recent Posts:

The Reddit OSINT/SOCMINT Investigation Guide

According to its IPO prospectus submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on February 22, 2024, Reddit has more than 100K active communities, 73 million daily active visitors, 267 million weekly unique visitors, and more than 1 billion cumulative posts.

How to Use TikTok In OSINT & SOCMINT Investigations

We’re used to seeing people post incredible amounts of personal information on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Strava, Twitter, etc. But now, another platform must be added to that list: TikTok.

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