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Legal Lessons Learned: 5 Times Digital Evidence Was Denied in Court

Cases involving online evidence have continued to increase at a rapid pace, aiding cases all the way from workplace harassment to copyright infringement. Digital evidence relevant to all these cases can come in a variety of forms; such as tweets, social media chat logs, instagram images, web pages, blog posts, Linkedin connections and a litany of others. But just like this evidence can make a case, it can also break the case.

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Legal Lessons Learned: 5 Times Digital Evidence Was Denied in Court

Cases involving online evidence have continued to increase at a rapid pace, aiding cases all the way from workplace harassment to copyright infringement. Digital evidence relevant to all these cases can come in a variety of forms; such as tweets, social m

Capturing Government Social Media Content for Open Records Compliance

Social Media as Federal Records Social media is heavily relied on by citizens and businesses for a wealth of information - from service updates, to employment information and changes in the law. It also benefits governments by helping them improve their s

Government Lessons from AMEX V. Vinhnee

"In 2003, California resident Vee Vinhnee filed for bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. He owed American Express more than $40,000 on his credit cards. American Express (Amex) sued Vinhnee to recover the balances owed on the cards. In Vinhnee vs. America

    The Discord OSINT/SOCMINT Investigation Guide

    Discord is a treasure trove of real-time, contextually rich digital interactions, offering OSINT investigators unprecedented access to diverse community conversations, user networks, andthe various digital file types shared through its interconnected server ecosystem. These insights can be pivotal for open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations.

    New Spatial Data Logic and Pagefreezer Partnership Modernizing Digital Recordkeeping for Local Government Agencies

    December 11, 2024 (Vancouver) – Spatial Data Logic (SDL) and Pagefreezer have announced a strategic partnership to help government agencies streamline website and social media recordkeeping operations and improve transparency initiatives.