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John Patzakis

John Patzakis

As Founder and Executive Chairman of X1, John leads the company’s strategy and business development efforts. He has an extensive background and expertise in eDiscovery and corporate compliance, combining strong knowledge of both the law and the supporting technologies in those areas. Prior to joining X1, John served as a consultant providing strategic planning and product strategies to eDiscovery and compliance solution providers. John also spent nearly a decade at Guidance Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: GUID) where he held senior management positions, including Chief Strategy Officer, Vice Chairman, Chief Legal Officer and President and CEO. While at Guidance, John led the transition of the company from start-up to a major enterprise software firm and grew revenues from $5 million to $40 million during his tenure. Prior to joining Guidance, John spent eight years practicing law in the fields of commercial litigation and business transactions. John received an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California and a JD from the Santa Clara University School of Law.

Recent Posts:

Why Social Media is a Goldmine for Evidence and Essential for Investigations

Social media has become a treasure trove for legal evidence, providing insights into to people's lives and behaviors, that can significantly impact investigations and litigation. Users are driven by algorithms to post engaging, often provocative content, leading to a wealth of incriminating evidence.

The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media Evidence in Trademark Infringement Cases

In this article we'll discuss a few recent cases that reflect how social media evidence can play an important role in establishing consumer confusion in trademark infringement lawsuits.

5 Reasons Why Native Format Collection is Essential for Social Media Evidence

As succinctly noted by The Florida Bar Association in its publication, Florida Law Journal:

Social Media Evidence Key Factor in Estimated 500,000 Litigation Cases Last Year

These days, nearly every litigation matter involves social media evidence. If your case does not feature such important evidence, it is likely because you are not looking for it.

Best Evidence Rule Requirements For Social Media Evidence

What is the Best Evidence Rule (Or FRE 1002)? The Best Evidence Rule, as codified in Federal Rule of Evidence 1002 (FRE 1002), is a principle in the law of evidence that governs the admissibility of the contents of writing, recordings, and photographs in court.

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