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Facebook announces changes to the Facebook and Instagram API

Following up on the misuse of Facebook information by Cambridge Analytica , Facebook recently announced revisions to the way it handles data access, and third party apps interacting with its platform. In its newsroom release early this April, Facebook states the exact changes impacting third party access to user datasets for both Facebook and Instagram. Read more here.

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Facebook announces changes to the Facebook and Instagram API

Following up on the misuse of Facebook information by Cambridge Analytica , Facebook recently announced revisions to the way it handles data access, and third party apps interacting with its platform. In its newsroom release early this April, Facebook sta

    Spoliation, Sanctions, and Staying Social Media Savvy

    Social media has changed the way we share ideas, the way we get our news, the way we make purchases, and the way we conceptualize ourselves and our community. It has changed the way we keep in touch with our friends and family and the way we do business.