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Preventing Harassment in the Age of Social Media and Corporate Chat

On November 1st, 2018 more than 1000 Google employees from Japan to San Francisco protested what they say is a workplace culture that has overlooked sexual harassment and discrimination situations within the company. These demonstrations are in response to years of sexual harassment allegations, multimillion-dollar severance packages for accused executives, and a perceived total lack of transparency over the cases. The #MeToo movement spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, particularly in the workplace. These are but two examples of a spotlight on the recent mountain of harassment claims made by victims. Sexual harassment in the workplace, unfortunately, is all too common and is devastating to the individuals experiencing it. It also has substantial adverse effects on the companies’ where this abhorrent behaviour takes place.

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Trent Mason

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Preventing Harassment in the Age of Social Media and Corporate Chat

On November 1st, 2018 more than 1000 Google employees from Japan to San Francisco protested what they say is a workplace culture that has overlooked sexual harassment and discrimination situations within the company. These demonstrations are in response t

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