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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

What Is Metadata? And Why Is it Important?

If you deal with digital information at all, you’ve undoubtedly heard of metadata. But do you know exactly what it is? And do you understand the importance of it as it relates to litigation? To help unpack this often confusing term, we’ve put together the following metadata explanation for your review.

What Is the EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model)?

If you’re even tangentially involved in the eDiscovery process, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM). But what exactly is it?

What’s the Difference Between Information Governance and Records Management?

When the EDRM community of eDiscovery and legal professionals first released the E-Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) in 2006, it highlighted “Records Management” as an integral component of the eDiscovery process. Today, the EDRM focuses on “Information Governance”, as opposed to records management. Moreover, the EDRM has even been supplemented with the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM), which offers an outline for how organizations should go about managing information related to potential litigation.

What Is the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM)?

In 2005, attorney George Socha and technology expert Tom Gelbmann founded the EDRM community of eDiscovery and legal professionals. The aim of this new group was to improve standards in the eDiscovery industry and lay down specific guidelines—and one of the first results was the now-iconic E-Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) diagram.

Understanding Unstructured Data Hiding in Enterprise Social Networks

Communication is key to business. For evidence of this, just consider the fact that we send 125 billion business emails every day. It’s also the reason why enterprise social networks and work collaboration tools have become so popular. These tools streamline communication, which has a direct impact on productivity. A study of Workplace by Facebook conducted by Forrester Consulting has shown that the platform can increase task efficiency, decision-making, innovation, and onboarding enough to offer an ROI of 400%.

What Is Information Governance? And Why Is It So Important?

Information Governance is more important than ever because the majority of large enterprises have a data problem. While just about every large company claims to be “data-driven” and focused on leveraging new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the evidence suggests that few are backing up this talk with real action. In fact, it can be argued that data is actually more of a liability than an asset in many organizations.

4 Reasons You Should Be Archiving Text Messages

Your organization is probably archiving company emails, but is it archiving mobile text messages? When it comes to the business world, email remains an incredibly popular communication tool. In fact, the number of emails we send is astounding. Research conducted by The Radicati Group in 2018 reports the total number of emails sent globally every day at around 280 billion (that’s billion per day), and it’s set to grow to 333 billion by 2022.

PageFreezer Adds SMS/Text Message Archiving Solution

PageFreezer has released a compliance archiving solution for SMS/mobile text that further expands its product line. In addition to providing website, social media, and corporate chat solutions, PageFreezer now offers archiving of text messages for both employer-issued and personal mobile phones.

Mitigating The Compliance and Legal Risks of Salesforce Chatter with Archiving Integrations

Just as our personal relationships have evolved to exist online through likes, tweets, shares and group chats, so have our professional relationships. Chatting with your employees or using a poll to determine your next team building activity through might be the norm if your organization has adopted a collaborative social media network in the workplace, also referred to as an enterprise social media network.

Preventing Harassment in the Age of Social Media and Corporate Chat

On November 1st, 2018 more than 1000 Google employees from Japan to San Francisco protested what they say is a workplace culture that has overlooked sexual harassment and discrimination situations within the company. These demonstrations are in response to years of sexual harassment allegations, multimillion-dollar severance packages for accused executives, and a perceived total lack of transparency over the cases. The #MeToo movement spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, particularly in the workplace. These are but two examples of a spotlight on the recent mountain of harassment claims made by victims. Sexual harassment in the workplace, unfortunately, is all too common and is devastating to the individuals experiencing it. It also has substantial adverse effects on the companies’ where this abhorrent behaviour takes place.

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