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5 Essential Steps to Improving Information Governance

There’s nothing quite like a global shift to remote and hybrid work to highlight gaps and inefficiencies in an organization’s information governance (IG) strategies.

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5 Essential Steps to Improving Information Governance

There’s nothing quite like a global shift to remote and hybrid work to highlight gaps and inefficiencies in an organization’s information governance (IG) strategies.

Why Hash Values Are Crucial in Digital Evidence Authentication

Before hash values, proving the authenticity of digital evidence could be tricky — especially if opposing counsel was determined to exclude the evidence.

Executive Summary: 2024 ESI Risk Management & Litigation Readiness Report

Managing electronically stored information (ESI) is a challenge for most organizations today. Numerous, diverse data sources, from websites and social media accounts to internal chat platforms, are creating huge volumes of information, making eDiscovery,

Expert Advice: New Study Reveals Top 3 ESI & Litigation Readiness Challenges

Did you know that nearly 1/3 of companies have been fined by courts or regulatory agencies because the organization couldn’t respond in time to requests for electronically stored information (ESI)?

SEC Rule 17a-3 & FINRA Records Retention Requirements Explained

Financial industry recordkeeping regulatory requirements like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rules 4511 and 2210, play a crucial role in maintaining the inte

What is WARC and Why is it Important for Regulatory Compliance?

If you’re trying to archive your website, whether for litigation readiness, corporate heritage, or you are just trying to make sure your website is compliant with your industry’s regulatory requirements, you will likely encounter a little ol’ file type ca

How to (Really) Archive Microsoft Teams Chats and Channels

If you're familiar with Microsoft Teams, you probably know about its built-in archive feature. By visiting the Microsoft Teams Admin Center (you need to be a Teams administrator to do this), you can quickly archive a team, which removes it from the active

9 Ways to Deal With the Legal & Compliance Challenges of Microsoft Teams

The adoption rate of Microsoft Teams over the last few years has been nothing short of astonishing. In 2019, just prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft's collaboration platform had around 20 million users. As of 2022 (the most recent stat

Pagefreezer Adds Microsoft Teams Archiving to Suite of Recordkeeping Solutions

Pagefreezer now offers Microsoft Teams archiving as part of its legal and compliance solutions.

What is a Document Retention Policy And Why Do You Need One?

Any business that deals with sensitive information needs a document retention policy. Does your business have staff you keep records on, for example? If so, your business deals with sensitive information.

    Spoliation, Sanctions, and Staying Social Media Savvy

    Social media has changed the way we share ideas, the way we get our news, the way we make purchases, and the way we conceptualize ourselves and our community. It has changed the way we keep in touch with our friends and family and the way we do business.