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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

Olga Gimbal

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Beyond the Desk: Gabby Kalaw

Meet Gabby, our Channel Partnership Manager. Gabby works from our Vancouver office and manages partnership relations ensuring our partners stay satisfied with our product. Get to know him a little better in his Beyond the Desk Interview:

Reviewing Your Employment Contracts to Avoid Post-Termination Defamation on Social Media

Social Media - The Emotional Outlet With social media taking over every day in-person interactions between people, it not only affects the way we communicate on a personal level, but also leaves a drastic impact on corporate culture too. Instagramming your first day on the job from your new and fancy office is a great way to create a positive image of your current employer, but what about on the last day when you were let go? Probably not the same - no happy faces or sweet words about the organization, but instead endless negative attacks on the manager, the organization and maybe even your ex coworkers. Maybe the hypothetical case described is an extreme, for many people being let go, coping with the shock is so painful that they feel the need to turn to social media as an emotional outlet. In some places, taking matters too far to defame an employer is actually against the law. A resolution from the Court of Quebec suggests that bad mouthing an employer could lead to fines. As in the case of Ian Ritchie, a former employee of Monseigneur Blanche Residence, who wrote a provocative comment on his Facebook page and was later sued by the owner of the care home he previously worked for. As a resolution to this case, Justice awarded $17,500 to be paid in favor of Monseigneur Blanche Residence.

Face-Palming Insurance Fraud Fails - Part 2

As technology and social media channels continue to evolve, their influence on law practice is increasing dramatically. Given social media’s accessibility and ease of use, it has quickly become an unrivaled source of evidence in many court cases.

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