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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

Miranda Pang

Miranda Pang

Miranda Pang is the Director of Marketing at Pagefreezer

Recent Posts:

Managing Microsoft Teams Records for Compliance and Legal Purposes

With over 100,000 users connecting every minute, Microsoft Teams has become the go-to communication platform for organizations worldwide. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to the surge in remote work at the onset of the pandemic. The chart below shows the number of daily active MS Teams users growing significantly in 2020, with the trend continuing in 2021 and 2022. Microsoft Teams now boast over 300 million users. Source:

Dynamic ESI: eDiscovery Best Practices for Legal Professionals

To shed light on the impact of managing of dynamic electronically stored information (ESI) on legal and compliance processes, Pagefreezer hosted a webinar featuring Mike Quartararo from ACEDS (Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists), Michael Simon from Seventh Samurai Legal Consulting, and Peter Callaghan from Pagefreezer.

Why the DOJ Says Messaging Apps & Collaboration Platforms Are a Major Compliance Problem

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has updated their Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs policy with special attention paid to messaging platforms when detecting and investigating potential misconduct and law violations. Moving forward, they will now consider whether corporate policies ensure communications from these apps are accessible and amenable to preservation.

How to Export Teams Chats for Compliance and eDiscovery

How to Export Teams Chats for Compliance and eDiscovery Exporting Microsoft Teams chat data for legal and compliance purposes is a critical task that can seem like a Herculean effort to execute—especially if you have days, months, or even years worth of MS Teams messages to export. Thankfully, there are a number of different methods and tools that extract and preserve relevant data from Teams.

Website & Social Media Archiving to Comply with FINRA Books & Records Rules

Investment firms and other financial institutions are subject to the strict recordkeeping and communication regulations laid out by both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The goal of these regulations is to protect the industry and its customers—and both bodies are willing to impose hefty fines if they believe a firm has stepped out of line.

5 Reasons Organizations Should Be Archiving their Social Media Accounts

In an era where a single social media mishap can spiral into a legal nightmare, social media archiving is increasingly becoming a safety net for organizations.

Mitigating Chain of Custody Risks with Digital Evidence

If you’re an attorney, a paralegal, an investigator, a law enforcement officer, or even if you just watch a lot of legal dramas on television, you’re likely familiar with the term “chain of custody”. Essentially, maintaining a “chain of custody” means validating how evidence has been gathered, tracked, and preserved prior to being entered into a case. In both civil and criminal litigation, maintaining a clear chain of custody is critical to the admission of key evidence.

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    Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer

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