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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

George van Rooyen

George van Rooyen

George van Rooyen is the Content Marketing Manager at Pagefreezer.

Recent Posts:

8 Ways Police Departments Can Leverage Social Media to Improve Communications

Law enforcement agencies rely heavily on social media platforms for their public messaging.

When Fake Electronic Evidence Is Used in Court

As more of our personal and professional lives play out online and within digital spaces, it’s unsurprising to learn that an increasing amount of electronic evidence is being presented to the courts in relation to a wide number of legal cases. In fact, the worldwide Digital Forensics industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13% between 2020 to 2027.

Here’s Why (and How) Your Government Social Media Accounts Should Be Verified

Building trust with the general public is important for government agencies, and it is no easy task. Public information officers (PIOs) need to stay vigilant and ahead of the curve when it comes to social media use.

WebPreserver Supports Collections of TikTok

WebPreserver now supports collections of TikTok! Starting today, all WebPreserver users have access to similar features and capabilities that we offer for evidence collection on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This is a standard function available to all customers, who will now be able to:

Streamline Your Government's Operations with Automated Archiving Powered by Pagefreezer

Operating procedures in all areas of government require a significant amount of time and resources.

HIPAA Regulations & Business Associate Agreements In The Age Of Digital Collaboration

The healthcare industry has come up against unprecedented pressure in recent years. Digital transformation has had a significant role to play when it comes to creating the efficiency needed to deal with the challenges of a global pandemic, in addition to the other mounting challenges of aging populations, staffing shortages, rising costs, and regulatory changes.

7 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Government Social Media Archiving Tools

In an age where social media comments are edited and deleted in an instant, it can be difficult to monitor the flow of information. One approach to monitoring social media accounts and keeping accurate records is to manually take screenshots of the content. While the ability to screenshot information can be handy in a pinch, it doesn't suffice when it comes to the comprehensive capture and retention of your social media data.

Improving Government Transparency with Pagefreezer’s Archiving Solutions

Some of the most fundamental qualities of effective government are transparency and trust. You’ve undoubtedly worked hard to create engaging comms and programs to serve the public and engage them in dialogue, all with the goal of building trust.

Government Content Management Systems: Archives, Backups, and FOIA Compliance

Did you know that there are more than 73 million websites built with a content management system (CMS)? Your government entity’s website presence is part of that number, but held to different standards as compared to a cooking blog, for example.

Understanding False Website Advertising Claims and Preventing Them

Advertising is an essential part of business. In an ever-competitive marketing environment, companies routinely make bold claims in hopes of piquing consumers' interest. Inevitably, some cross the line and find themselves in sticky legal situations for false advertising.

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    5 Essential Steps to Improving Information Governance

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    Affinity Groups at Pagefreezer

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