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Preserving Social Media Data for Federal Records Act Compliance

Ensuring that federal agencies comply with The Federal Records Act, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) acts as the nation’s record-keeper to ensure official federal records are preserved for increased public access.

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Preserving Social Media Data for Federal Records Act Compliance

Ensuring that federal agencies comply with The Federal Records Act, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) acts as the nation’s record-keeper to ensure official federal records are preserved for increased public access.

Facebook announces changes to the Facebook and Instagram API

Following up on the misuse of Facebook information by Cambridge Analytica , Facebook recently announced revisions to the way it handles data access, and third party apps interacting with its platform. In its newsroom release early this April, Facebook sta

Attention Marketers - The Litigation Risks of Marketing with Temporary Online Content

Snapchat was arguably the first social media player to introduce the use of temporary/short-lived or "story" content. When others like Instagram and Facebook picked up on the tactic, it quickly became the new trend in the marketing sphere, boasting the hi

Understanding Website & Social Media Metadata in Legal & Compliance

For legal and recordkeeping compliance, understanding and capturing metadata of your organization's online presence is essential.

PageFreezer Releases New Public Portal to Improve Government Transparency

PageFreezer has released a new solution enabling government agencies to provide public access to their web and social media archives. Historic government website and social media data can now be made easily accessible through a public portal with powerful

Reducing the Costs of Open Records Compliance with PageFreezer’s New Public Access Feature

As federal, state, and local government websites and social media are heavily relied on by citizens and businesses for a wealth of information, these communications are considered official government publications to which the Freedom of Information act (F

Overview of Sunshine Laws

Do you trust your government? The heart of democracy, "by the people, for the people", requires that government be accountable to it citizens. And, if there is no trust there, how can democracy flourish?

Government Lessons from AMEX V. Vinhnee

"In 2003, California resident Vee Vinhnee filed for bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. He owed American Express more than $40,000 on his credit cards. American Express (Amex) sued Vinhnee to recover the balances owed on the cards. In Vinhnee vs. America

    The Discord OSINT/SOCMINT Investigation Guide

    Discord is a treasure trove of real-time, contextually rich digital interactions, offering OSINT investigators unprecedented access to diverse community conversations, user networks, andthe various digital file types shared through its interconnected server ecosystem. These insights can be pivotal for open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations.

    New Spatial Data Logic and Pagefreezer Partnership Modernizing Digital Recordkeeping for Local Government Agencies

    December 11, 2024 (Vancouver) – Spatial Data Logic (SDL) and Pagefreezer have announced a strategic partnership to help government agencies streamline website and social media recordkeeping operations and improve transparency initiatives.