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Benefits of Enterprise Collaboration Software Are Too Great to Ignore

Enterprise collaboration platforms—sometimes also called enterprise social networks—are changing the way companies operate, including your own. Even if you’re not familiar with the term “enterprise collaboration software”, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the team collaboration tools this term refers to: Workplace from Meta, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

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Benefits of Enterprise Collaboration Software Are Too Great to Ignore

Enterprise collaboration platforms—sometimes also called enterprise social networks—are changing the way companies operate, including your own. Even if you’re not familiar with the term “enterprise collaboration software”, you’re undoubtedly familiar with

Mitigating The Compliance and Legal Risks of Salesforce Chatter with Archiving Integrations

Just as our personal relationships have evolved to exist online through likes, tweets, shares and group chats, so have our professional relationships. Chatting with your employees or using a poll to determine your next team building activity through might

Preventing Harassment in the Age of Social Media and Corporate Chat

On November 1st, 2018 more than 1000 Google employees from Japan to San Francisco protested what they say is a workplace culture that has overlooked sexual harassment and discrimination situations within the company. These demonstrations are in response t

A Quick Guide to Developing a Company Social Media Policy

Social media is a big part of your marketing strategy, your brand awareness, and your company image. Not only so, but with the rise of chat platforms like Workplace by Facebook, Yammer & Chatter, internal social media networks (or enterprise social me

The Most Commonly Overlooked Risks of Internal Social Media

The use of collaborative social media within teams has quickly become the new norm for workplaces, whether you’re working in tech, finance, recruiting, or practically any industry across the board.

Reviewing Your Employment Contracts to Avoid Post-Termination Defamation on Social Media

Social Media - The Emotional Outlet With social media taking over every day in-person interactions between people, it not only affects the way we communicate on a personal level, but also leaves a drastic impact on corporate culture too. Instagramming you

PageFreezer Announces Compliance Archiving for Yammer

PageFreezer, a leading provider of website and social media archiving has recently partnered up with collaborative social media network Yammer to provide the add ons of for information governance, compliance archiving and eDiscovery.

Exploring The Impacts of GDPR on Social Media & Enterprise Collaboration Networks

Any organization that processes personal information about EU citizens must have systems in place to comply GDPR laws, and prove their compliance with documentation. Even now, many companies are not in full compliance, and this is a major risk as non-comp

PageFreezer Announces Compliance Archiving for Workplace by Facebook

PageFreezer, a leading provider of website and social media archiving, has recently partnered with Workplace by Facebook to provide a complete compliance, archiving and information governance solution to users of the platform.

MiFID II Compliance - Understanding New Expectations for Preserving Website & Social Media Records

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC (MiFID) came into play in 2007. Established by to regulate investment services, increase competition and enhance consumer protection, MiFID applies to all member states of the European Economic Are

    Social Media vs. Compliance — The Major Marketing Problem Stumping Financial Services

    These days, you'd be hard-pressed to find an business that isn't advertising on social media. But when it comes to financial service providers, social media marketing can become a double-edged sword, or worse a compliance nightmare that results in major fines from the SEC, FINRA or the FTC.

    27 Social Media Investigation Tools for OSINT & SOCMINT Investigations

    Social media investigations can unlock a wealth of evidence for legal, fraud, and criminal cases. But if you're not using the right social media investigation tools, your investigation is likely to be frustrating and inefficient—not to mention risky.