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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

A Guide to Remote Work Compliance

The COVID-19 pandemic caused office workers to start working from home—but businesses should expect remote work to last a long time. Beyond the unpredictability of this pandemic, 99% of remote workers want to continue telecommuting at least a couple of days a week.

Implementing a Team Collaboration Tool? Here Are 8 Questions Your IT Department Should Consider

Team collaboration tools are enjoying something of a moment. Already a popular method of communication and documentation between office-based teams, 2020’s pandemic saw many enterprises scramble to implement solutions, keen to keep their workforce connected as remote working became an overnight necessity.

5 Hidden Challenges of Slack Implementation

If you have been exploring new ways for your teams to collaborate, chances are Slack feels like a strong contender. With Slack, communication becomes centralized, flowing much more intuitively than it tends to over email. You can share files, start video calls, leverage automation, and set reminders for yourself or others.

The Risks and Benefits of Slack in Financial Services

Slack surpassed the 12 million user mark in 2020, with new accounts surging as more companies embrace remote work. The platform is one of the top business communication apps for industries across the board, including the heavily-regulated financial sector. This guide will explore the benefits and challenges of Slack as a tool for digital collaboration in banking and financial services.

7 Ways to Mitigate the Legal & Compliance Risks of Slack

There’s no doubt that a tool like Slack can improve communication and collaboration within a company—but it also introduces certain legal and compliance risks. Just ask luggage company Away.

5 Ways Organizations Can Leverage Team Collaboration Tools in Times of Crisis

As both government organizations and private-sector companies deal with the realities of a global pandemic—specifically the need to get crucial work done with a distributed, remote workforce—team collaboration tools are proving to be incredibly valuable.

Enterprise Collaboration Tools: The Answer to Information Governance and Remote Teams

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced many organizations—both large and small—to quickly change the way they operate. As formal lockdowns and social distancing guidelines were published by governments all over the globe, companies were left to figure out how they can get the job done with a remote workforce.

5 Critical Questions to Ask Before Implementing a Team Collaboration Tool

There are a lot of benefits to implementing a team collaboration tool like Workplace from Meta. As I’ve written before, an enterprise social network can improve communication, streamline collaboration, and even improve and strengthen the culture of your organization.

3 Reasons You Should Embrace Team Collaboration Tools

As I’ve written before, team collaboration tools—also called enterprise collaboration software or enterprise social networking—offer incredible benefits. For evidence of this, you need only look at a recent Forrester study that found Workplace from Meta to offer an ROI of 400%. According to the study, an investment of $2.6 million could provide quantified benefits over three years of $13.1 million. And companies could start seeing this substantial return on investment in as little as three months.

Understanding Unstructured Data Hiding in Enterprise Social Networks

Communication is key to business. For evidence of this, just consider the fact that we send 125 billion business emails every day. It’s also the reason why enterprise social networks and work collaboration tools have become so popular. These tools streamline communication, which has a direct impact on productivity. A study of Workplace by Facebook conducted by Forrester Consulting has shown that the platform can increase task efficiency, decision-making, innovation, and onboarding enough to offer an ROI of 400%.

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