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Understanding Website & Social Media Metadata in Legal & Compliance

For legal and recordkeeping compliance, understanding and capturing metadata of your organization's online presence is essential.

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Understanding Website & Social Media Metadata in Legal & Compliance

For legal and recordkeeping compliance, understanding and capturing metadata of your organization's online presence is essential.

PageFreezer Announces Compliance Solution for Facebook At Work

VANCOUVER, British Columbia - PageFreezer rolled out social media archiving capabilities for social media platform “Facebook At Work”, serving as the first Facebook At Work compliance solution to meet compliance regulations for Financial Services, Governm

    Social Media vs. Compliance — The Major Marketing Problem Stumping Financial Services

    These days, you'd be hard-pressed to find an business that isn't advertising on social media. But when it comes to financial service providers, social media marketing can become a double-edged sword, or worse a compliance nightmare that results in major fines from the SEC, FINRA or the FTC.

    27 Social Media Investigation Tools for OSINT & SOCMINT Investigations

    Social media investigations can unlock a wealth of evidence for legal, fraud, and criminal cases. But if you're not using the right social media investigation tools, your investigation is likely to be frustrating and inefficient—not to mention risky.