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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

From Blockbuster to Meta: The Evolution of The Video Privacy Protection Act to Class Action Lawsuits

How could an obscure privacy law from 1988 majorly disrupt online video streaming as we know it and make tech giants like Meta and Netflix targets of class action lawsuits? Well, depending on who you talk to (and those involved in the related class action suits) every website that serves you a video is violating the Video Privacy Protection Act, otherwise known as the VPPA.

Managing Microsoft Teams Records for Compliance and Legal Purposes

With over 100,000 users connecting every minute, Microsoft Teams has become the go-to communication platform for organizations worldwide. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to the surge in remote work at the onset of the pandemic. The chart below shows the number of daily active MS Teams users growing significantly in 2020, with the trend continuing in 2021 and 2022. Microsoft Teams now boast over 300 million users. Source:

Dynamic ESI: eDiscovery Best Practices for Legal Professionals

To shed light on the impact of managing of dynamic electronically stored information (ESI) on legal and compliance processes, Pagefreezer hosted a webinar featuring Mike Quartararo from ACEDS (Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists), Michael Simon from Seventh Samurai Legal Consulting, and Peter Callaghan from Pagefreezer.

Why the DOJ Says Messaging Apps & Collaboration Platforms Are a Major Compliance Problem

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has updated their Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs policy with special attention paid to messaging platforms when detecting and investigating potential misconduct and law violations. Moving forward, they will now consider whether corporate policies ensure communications from these apps are accessible and amenable to preservation.

How to Export Teams Chats for Compliance and eDiscovery

How to Export Teams Chats for Compliance and eDiscovery Exporting Microsoft Teams chat data for legal and compliance purposes is a critical task that can seem like a Herculean effort to execute—especially if you have days, months, or even years worth of MS Teams messages to export. Thankfully, there are a number of different methods and tools that extract and preserve relevant data from Teams.

What Is Social Media Impersonation (Identity Theft)? And How Can You Prevent It?

With the rise of social media, individuals have become increasingly comfortable sharing personal information online. However, this has also made them susceptible to social media impersonation, a growing phenomenon that can lead to identity theft and other online fraud. Impersonators can easily create fake profiles and use stolen personal information to deceive others. They may use this information to gain access to private accounts or even steal money.

How to (Really) Archive Microsoft Teams Chats and Channels

If you're familiar with Microsoft Teams, you probably know about its built-in archive feature. By visiting the Microsoft Teams Admin Center (you need to be a Teams administrator to do this), you can quickly archive a team, which removes it from the active list and makes it read-only.

9 Ways to Deal With the Legal & Compliance Challenges of Microsoft Teams

The adoption rate of Microsoft Teams over the last few years has been nothing short of astonishing. In 2019, just prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft's collaboration platform had around 20 million users. As of 2022 (the most recent stats available), the number of active users sits at 270 million! This incredible growth is a testament to the benefits that Teams offers organizations—especially in an environment where many employees are working remotely.

Pagefreezer Adds Microsoft Teams Archiving to Suite of Recordkeeping Solutions

Pagefreezer now offers Microsoft Teams archiving as part of its legal and compliance solutions.

What Is Cyberbullying? And How Can You Prevent It?

Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue since the internet's inception, and its various forms make it difficult to prevent. In this blog, we'll explore what cyberbullying is and how to prevent it.

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