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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

SEC Rule 17a-3 & FINRA Records Retention Requirements Explained

Financial industry recordkeeping regulatory requirements like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rules 4511 and 2210, play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the U.S. financial markets. These regulations are not just bureaucratic formalities; their oversight involves ensuring that financial services firms adhere to stringent record retention requirements, essential for the transparency, accountability, and trust that underpin the financial system.

The Reddit OSINT/SOCMINT Investigation Guide

According to its IPO prospectus submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on February 22, 2024, Reddit has more than 100K active communities, 73 million daily active visitors, 267 million weekly unique visitors, and more than 1 billion cumulative posts.

Understanding a Request for Production of Documents (RFP)

Requesting production of documents and responding to requests for production (RFP) are key aspects of the discovery process, allowing both parties involved in a legal matter access to crucial evidence.

Social Media Evidence Key Factor in Estimated 500,000 Litigation Cases Last Year

These days, nearly every litigation matter involves social media evidence. If your case does not feature such important evidence, it is likely because you are not looking for it.

Best Evidence Rule Requirements For Social Media Evidence

What is the Best Evidence Rule (Or FRE 1002)? The Best Evidence Rule, as codified in Federal Rule of Evidence 1002 (FRE 1002), is a principle in the law of evidence that governs the admissibility of the contents of writing, recordings, and photographs in court.

What is WARC and Why is it Important for Regulatory Compliance?

If you’re trying to archive your website, whether for litigation readiness, corporate heritage, or you are just trying to make sure your website is compliant with your industry’s regulatory requirements, you will likely encounter a little ol’ file type called WARC (Web ARChive).

Pagefreezer Announces Strategic Acquisition of the X1 Social Discovery Solution to Expand Online Evidence Collection Offering

Pagefreezer Announces Strategic Acquisition of the X1 Social Discovery Solution to Expand Online Evidence Collection Offering

How To Archive Adobe Experience Manager Website Content For Compliance and Litigation Readiness

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a cloud service comes with a few native tools for short-term back-ups and version control. But if you’re looking to create a legally-admissible, compliant archive of your AEM website content, Adobe itself warns that these features are, “not intended as an audit log or for legal purposes.”

🙁🙂 🤷 Navigating the Challenges of Emojis and the Law: Are Emojis Legally Binding?

How do you define this emoji? 🙏 Is it referencing someone praying or a congratulatory high-five? What about this emoji? 😚 Is it a kissy face or someone whistling? These two examples immediately highlight some of the biggest challenges that legal professionals are facing when it comes to emojis and litigation matters and investigations. How do you accurately interpret emojis when people encounter and define them differently? How should the law determine consent, agreement, or state-of-mind when all you have are pictures? Here we’ll explore some of the crucial challenges facing lawyers and judicial officers when it becomes necessary to comprehend the meaning of emojis in communications.

Inside the Assessment: NARA's Recommendations for Federal Social Media Archiving

How do Federal agencies like NASA, the Department of Education, and the Department of Homeland Security capture and manage social media records? To uncover this, in 2022 The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) conducted an assessment of the policies, practices, and procedures related to the use of social media for 10 federal agencies, including the aforementioned and NARA itself. In September 2023, NARA released the findings in the “Managing Social Media Records: Records Management Assessment Report.”

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