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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Website Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been law for three decades (it turned 30 in 2020), but it’s fair to say that the world has changed considerably since it was first enacted in 1990.

5 Reasons Organizations Should Be Archiving their Social Media

As with web archiving, social media archiving enables enterprises to collect and retain the content they share across social media platforms for future use and reference. It is an essential measure to help ensure that businesses can meet changing compliance requirements, resolve litigation issues, and maintain solid data governance.

5 Reasons You Should Be Archiving All Slack Data

Slack is an increasingly essential element of many enterprises’ technology stack. When it comes to internal communication and collaboration, its functionality is truly exceptional. But with great power comes great responsibility...

Football, Racism, and Social Media. Here’s What Clubs Can Do to Combat the Problem

Almost every day after a European football match, there’s another media headline highlighting a player who received racial abuse on social media. Football clubs condemn it. The content gets reported to social media platforms. Accounts are deleted. Authorities are notified and declare a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against discrimination and prejudiced behavior. Many players share the posts, highlighting the racism they continually face.

5 Reasons Banks Should Be Archiving Websites & Social Media Accounts

In recent years, the digital revolution has transformed the banking industry. As financial services and the associated communications increasingly move online, it is more important than ever for institutions to gain control of their online presence.

How to Protect the Intellectual Property (IP) on Your Website

A company lives and dies by its intellectual property (IP). The heart of an enterprise’s unique offering, IP is the source of everything that builds your business up, from reputation to market positioning. While it’s always been important to protect intellectual property, in the digital age, the issue is more pertinent than ever before.

6 (Major) Benefits of Slack Enterprise Grid

One of the reasons Slack saw such widespread adoption, especially early on, was the fact that companies could use it for free. Like many SaaS tools, Slack operated on a “freemium” model, meaning organizations could use it for free, and then upgrade as their needs grew.

Social Media Archiving to Meet SEC & FINRA Regulations

Social media is a powerful tool for advertising in any industry. If used correctly, in conjunction with social media archiving, it can be very beneficial to businesses within the financial sector.

Understanding FINRA/SEC Rule 17a-4(f) and WORM Storage Requirements

We recently published an article on what is needed for a financial firm’s website archiving to meet SEC and FINRA requirements. This article follows on from that one by looking at the specific storage requirements, which is very technical and can lead to uncertainty with regards to compliance.

Website Archiving to Meet SEC & FINRA Regulations

Both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lay out strict communication and recordkeeping regulations for investment firms and other financial institutions. These rules encompass almost everything, from the recording of investment activities, to how client data should be kept safe, and even the acceptable use of social media.

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