See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media.
These days, ignoring social media evidence in investigations and litigation is akin to leaving a crucial witness unquestioned. But as the case of Federico v. Lincoln Military Housing demonstrates, navigating this terrain can be a costly minefield.
These days, ignoring social media evidence in investigations and litigation is akin to leaving a crucial witness unquestioned. But as the case of Federico v. Lincoln Military Housing demonstrates, navigating this terrain can be a costly minefield.
United States v. Vayner 2014 2014 was a landmark year in establishing the admissibility and stance of screenshots and printouts of social media in litigation, with one of the more notable examples of this being the evaluation of a printout from the Russia
The Insta-Scam (and Instaspam components) is a relatively new cyber scam operated on social media and targeting users on mediums such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook's large user base and immense data collection make it a goldmine for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) investigations.
Discord is a treasure trove of real-time, contextually rich digital interactions, offering OSINT investigators unprecedented access to diverse community conversations, user networks, and the various digital file types shared through its interconnected server ecosystem. These insights can be pivotal for open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations.
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