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See the latest news and insights around Information Governance, eDiscovery, Enterprise Collaboration, and Social Media. 


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Digital Revolution – And Legal Evolution

A Look at the Recent Amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence Without question, the rise of digital media has revolutionized our world. It is currently estimated that Facebook has 1.5 billion daily users, and 2.3 monthly users. In any given minute, there are an estimated 347,222 people scrolling through Instagram, and Twitter has approximately 326 million monthly active users. The average amount of time spent daily by users in total on social media is 116 minutes[1]. It goes without saying then, that in that time, amongst all of those users, a significant amount of content is created each and every day. It’s no wonder then, that in addition to revolutionizing our daily life, the way we communicate with each other, the way we purchase our goods, and the way we conduct business, the rise of digital media is also revolutionizing the practice of law.

The Facts on Family Law

The Facts on Family Law – Modernizing Your Practice to Keep Pace With the Digital Age The Numbers Don’t Lie

Social Media & Insurance Fraud

People May Lie .....

Effectively Establishing a Digital Chain of Custody – Reducing Your Risks and Reaping the Rewards

“Chain of custody”. Most people, and certainly those who are attorneys, law enforcement officers, or investigators, are likely familiar with this term and its importance to effectively trying and proving cases, both civil and criminal – though it is not only applicable to the practice of law, but to many other aspects of our lives as well.

Facebook Forensics

Recent reports show over one billion people were on Facebook on one day. One billion people! Most were there to catch up with friends, see some trending content, or just to waste some time. With a crowd that large, you know there are a fair bit of nefarious activities going on.

Family Law from Facebook to the Courts

81% of lawyers using evidence from Social Networking platforms. A recent study from PEW found that 66% of divorce cases used Facebook content as a primary case of evidence - this is an alarmingly high figure for lawyers not well versed in managing social media content, but also unsurprising given the ways in which we use social media in our everyday lives. This is not just limited to divorce cases, as the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers report that 81% if lawyers find court-worthy evidence from social networking platforms - aiding cases all across the Family Law spectrum from divorce, custody, alimony and more.

Student Data Online Protection

Protecting Student Data on Social Media and the Web With advances in technology and online activity, both for recreational and educational purposes, concerns have been long growing for the safety and use of children and student’s data collected in the use of certain apps and websites. Not only is this concern regarding the collection and use of children’s data, but the onus on those liable for protecting, and maintaining a balancing act between the benefits of technology for educational purposes.

Spoliation Sanctions: Social Media Clean Up

Lester v. Allied Concrete [2014] In this rare instance, Virginia State fined an attorney $522,000 in Spoliation sanctions for advising his client to “clean up” his Facebook account during litigation proceedings; deeming it to be the largest eDiscovery spoliation sanction to that point. A Virginia state judge found lawyer Matthew Murray guilty of instructing his client to remove photos from his Facebook profile, and for his client to pay and additional $180,000 for compliance with this request.

Cybercrime Update: Astroturfing

Astroturfing is an illegal false advertising cyber scam, utilised by companies, organisations, politicians and individuals to boost company reputation, search results and public opinion - through unauthentic and questionable means. This online campaigning consists of fake reviews on websites and forums such as Yelp or the Apple iTunes store, lobbyists running fake blogs on behalf of clients or employers and other falsified social media accounts ensuring the manipulation of Google search results.

Social Media Evidence v Privacy Limitations

Nucci v. Target Corp [2015]

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