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Q&A With Jason Wenk - CEO, Retirement Wealth Advisors

We touched base with our financial services client, Jason Wenk, CEO of Retirement Wealth Advisors to find out how PageFreezer has helped his business meet regulations and focus on what they do best - helping clients live more enjoyable lives with smarter financial planning.

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Q&A With Jason Wenk - CEO, Retirement Wealth Advisors

We touched base with our financial services client, Jason Wenk, CEO of Retirement Wealth Advisors to find out how PageFreezer has helped his business meet regulations and focus on what they do best - helping clients live more enjoyable lives with smarter financial planning. ceo_of_rw.jpg
  1. Who are the primary stakeholders you communicate with through your website and social media channels?

    We communicate with over 6,000 clients and prospective clients. With over 130 Registered Financial Advisors who each have their own brand, website and blog we also communicate through about 100 additional sites at the advisor level.

  2. Can you tell us about the typical content of your website? 

    Our website is fairly content-heavy. We provide a weekly market commentary, accumulating throughout the year. We also provides monthly portfolio reviews using event-driven news to help evaluate the strategy, performance, decision making and markets affecting our portfolios. We have static pages like the Home page and About Us pages, but the majority of our content is dynamic and ever-evolving. We also make use of Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to further push out content and key messaging.

  3. What motivated you to look for a website and social media archiving solution? 

    Having a reliable archiving solution in place is an absolute must for firms like us that publish so much online. We’re also a SEC registered firm, and the SEC makes it very clear that in our industry we have to not only archive but have backups and they have to be off-site. We also need to be able to recall any changes and when they were made.

    In the past, we had a local server, and a script that would do backups. These backups would be mirrored through an AWS server through amazon. We found that it was not industry-specific and was very labour intensive. We were worried that there was always the possibility that we would miss something, or that a backup would fail.

  4. Why did you choose PageFreezer as a vendor?

    As regulations change, we didn’t want to always feel like we always had to be the ones to be responsible to change as the industry changes. We wanted a solution that would update this as it went. We have an in-house compliance team and an outside compliance team who, together chose PageFreezer based on a hierarchy of trust and confidence through people we know. At the end of the day we were looking for a solution with a good reputation, experience in our industry, and proven ability to do the job and do it well - and that’s what PageFreezer was.

  5. Have you had a FINRA/SEC audit recently? How did it go?

    We had one books and records exam, standard exam last year. We’re a large firm and we know we’re likely to be examined frequently. For us, to be able to rely on a vendor like PageFreezer and say “hey here’s who we’re using as a solution” made it super easy. We were confident the tool did what it was supposed to do and it worked. We were only a couple months into using PageFreezer and had the information we needed readily accessible.

  6. What ROI have you experienced since using PageFreezer?

    Our biggest ROI is definitely time. We now have some peace of mind and the ability to sleep at night and not worry that something is going wrong that may put our business in jeopardy. The reality in the industry is that regulators can take that away from us if they need to. Our most valuable asset is our ability to do business; maybe this ROI is immeasurable, but that is important to every decision we make.

About Retirement Wealth Advisors

Founded in 2005, Retirement Wealth Advisors (RWA) was built to serve the specific needs of retired or soon to be retired investors, offering a range of services from financial planning, to retirement income planning and investment management.

RWA is a full service, independent wealth management firm registered with the SEC and headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the past 10 years, RWA has expanded throughout the United States, with over 130 independent financial advisors serving over 6,000 clients.

Learn more about RWA at 

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