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5 Reasons Why Fortune 500s Love This Feature - Capturing Video Content

Ever since video killed the radio star, it has dominated digital media as the most interactive type of content, capturing the attention of audiences in branding, marketing and PR. The following stats reflect just how much video content is growing in our everyday lives:

  • One-third of online activity is spent watching video.
  • Today, YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine on earth.
  • 72 Hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds.
  • 85% of the US internet audience watches videos online.
  • Periscope users have created more than 200 million broadcasts.
  • 10 million videos are watched on Snapchat per day.
  • Watching video accounts for 53% of people’s mobile sessions.

As video continues to lead the way, organizations must adapt to keep up with the pace - this can mean taking a look at marketing tactic or revisiting recordkeeping processes. Since enterprise video content can become subject to litigation, just like other forms of corporate content - organizations must ensure that their video content is captured and retained as official business records.


At PageFreezer, we’ve come across many copyright and IP infringement cases involving online video content for Fortune 500s. Responding to our customer’s needs, we’ve made it possible to capture online video content as it once was and replay it as if it were live. This benefits enterprises in the following ways:

  1. One less thing to worry about
    PageFreezer automatically archives video content for any major networks you choose including YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and Instagram, and more as they gain popularity. Working as as an automated and integrated set it and forget it solution, enterprises enjoy having compliance off their plates.
  2. Ability to time travel
    Even if video content is taken down after a marketing campaign has ended, PageFreezer makes it possible to view and play your videos as if they are still live. This gives enterprises a snapshot of their campaigns at any moment in time, whenever they need it.

  3. High quality archives
    PageFreezer applies digital signatures and timestamps to your video content to help you prove the accuracy of your data - meeting court standards for data authenticity. With this, enterprises can rest assured their communication history is captured to the highest quality to meet key laws.

  4. Capture of all interactions
    Beyond video content, PageFreezer also captures the video’s likes, comments and relevant social media profile details of users interacting with the video, giving insight into the business’s audiences.

  5. Covering all grounds
    PageFreezer not only collects video, but all associated metadata related to the video i.e browser, operating system, IP address, and user of the publisher. Metadata provides a complete picture of all data, and constitutes a proper archive as required by the Federal Rules of Evidence.  

Learn more about how PageFreezer serve Fortune 500s here.

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