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PageFreezer Ranks #24 in the SaaS1000

Earlier last week, PageFreezer snagged another ranking, sitting at #24 on the SaaS1000, a list of the top growing SaaS companies.

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PageFreezer Ranks #24 in the SaaS1000

  • Information Governance
  • Earlier last week, PageFreezer snagged another ranking, sitting at #24 on the SaaS1000, a list of the top growing SaaS companies.

    The list highlights the top growing SaaS companies based on an algorithm that includes hiring trends, growth indicators and number of employees. For PageFreezer, this meant 38.71% 6 month growth and a count of 43 employees.

    SaaS 1000 Badge_24-01

    “The SaaS sector continues its high growth,” said Tom Blue, founder of the SaaS1000, in a press release. “In fact, based on our tracking and analysis, the velocity is increasing. This quarter’s Top 1000 companies grew faster than last quarter’s list. Congrats to these accelerating companies.”

    “We’re really proud to have earned ourselves a spot in the SaaS1000 due to our organic growth,” commented Michael Riedijk, CEO of PageFreezer, “We look forward to what’s next as we continue to offer website and social media solutions to help organizations across the board in compliance and eDiscovery.”

    View the complete SaaS1000 list here

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