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PageFreezer Adds Enterprise-Level Security Features

PageFreezer recently added a host of enterprise-level security features to our suite of products. The new enterprise-level security features were designed to empower our customers with even greater control over how and by who archived data is accessed. These advanced security features consist of two-factor authentication (2FA), password policy management, concurrent login management, and IP whitelisting.

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“Our customers place trust in PageFreezer to secure data. And our platform’s security is designed around the idea that no one should ever gain unauthorized access to electronic records,” says PageFreezer CEO Michael Riedijk. “Since we archive records across websites, social media accounts, mobile text messages, and enterprise collaboration platforms, the data is often valuable and sensitive. We want to do everything we can to help customers have secure archives.”

See what a robust and secure electronic records management solution looks like today. Request a PageFreezer demo by clicking the button below.

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Robust security is a must for large organizations in industries like financial services, but all organizations can benefit from tighter access control to records. “Even if you’re a public-sector organization that’s very open and transparent with your electronic records, it’s still important to know that archives can’t easily be tampered with. You never want to doubt the integrity of your records,” says Riedijk.

The new PageFreezer security features consist of the following:

  • Two-Factor Authentication: 2FA can be deployed to require users to authenticate with a second factor when logging into the PageFreezer platform. When activating 2FA, administrators can choose between a security code sent via email or verification through a third-party app such as Google Authenticator.
  • IP Whitelisting: This allows administrators to limit access to specific IP addresses (or an IP range). This is useful in a scenario where an organization wants to ensure that employees can only access records from company premises.
  • Concurrent Login Management: To curb the sharing of credentials in the workplace and reduce the attack surface for a potential breach, admins can now control the number of concurrent logins for each user. For instance, should a second user log in with credentials already in use, the system will remove the original user from the platform. 
  • Password Policy Management: PageFreezer already enforced strong password policies for all accounts, but company administrators can now set policies that align specifically with an organization’s internal security requirements.

With the addition of these features, PageFreezer is an industry leader in terms of security. “We’re committed to doing everything we can to keep customers’ data secure. We want to be able to provide them with complete peace of mind,” concludes Riedijk.

Ready for secure and automated archiving of website, social media, mobile text, and enterprise collaboration content? Click the button to request a quote.

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George van Rooyen
George van Rooyen
George van Rooyen is the Content Marketing Manager at Pagefreezer.

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