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Beyond the Desk: Janet Wong

Meet Janet, one of PageFreezer's Sales Development Representatives (SDRs). She works closely with the Account Executives to help achieve the company's revenue goals for the year. Get to know her a little better in this Beyond the Desk Interview:

Janet Wong is a Sales Development Representative at PageFreezer.

How would you describe yourself?

In my personal life, I'd describe myself as fun and unpredictable—I'm that spicy guacamole that you get for free with your order because your friend's working the cash register! At work, however, I'm as unwavering as the Vancouver rain and as consistent as that annual visit from the tax man! But in all seriousness, I would say that I’m an ambitious person who's always up for a challenge. I’m also pretty easygoing, enjoy the finer things in life, and always looking for the next thrill. 

What makes your role at PageFreezer unique?  

I'd say that my role as a Sales Development Representative is unique in that it has both a sales and a marketing element to it. My role consists of a lot of outreach aimed at educating potential clients on the importance of archiving their digital content and explaining exactly how PageFreezer can help. It's also neat to see how the SDR team can make our sales team's lives easier by ensuring a consistent funnel throughout the sales cycle!

Janet Wong is a Sales Development Representative at PageFreezer.

What was your first job?

The first "real" job I had was selling credit cards at Canadian Tire for two summers. That job really showed me the resilience that's needed when it comes to sales, and it ignited my love of goal-oriented selling. I also can't complain about the amazing people I got to meet along the way. 

What is your favorite thing about coming to work every morning?

My favorite thing about coming in to work every morning is just seeing my coworkers and listening to all their stories—that, and I love playing with the office pups!

Janet Wong is a Sales Development Representative at PageFreezer.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

It would probably be a dog. Dogs are by nature loyal, adventurous, and fun-loving. They also have easygoing attitudes that allow them to bring so much joy to the people around them and just enjoy the simple pleasures in life. With all of those characteristics in mind, I probably wouldn’t mind being a dog in my next life!

What passions do you pursue outside of office hours?

I am a major foodie and love being involved with Vancouver’s food scene, trying out all the new dishes and concepts that chefs in the Lower Mainland have to offer. Most evenings after work, you can probably also find me at Harbour Dance Studio. I discovered a passion for dance about two years ago, and I wish I'd found it even earlier in my life. It’s such a great workout and I’m blessed to be part of a great community of people from different walks of life. 

What really makes you laugh?

I find most things pretty entertaining. Any stupid or awkward encounter will get me giggling, as will a great joke. 

What sort of person would excel in the PageFreezer environment? 

Any person that's willing to embrace our company values would fit in well. Whether it’s making things personal, speaking your mind, winning and losing as a team, improving continuously, making it happen, or creating balance everywhere; these values run deep within our company and are reflected in everything we do. Our values help us protect PageFreezer's great company culture. 

George van Rooyen
George van Rooyen
George van Rooyen is the Content Marketing Manager at Pagefreezer.

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