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PageFreezer Releases 3rd Generation of Dynamic Website Capture Technology

PageFreezer is proud to announce the release of the 3rd generation of its dynamic website capture and archiving technology.

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PageFreezer Releases 3rd Generation of Dynamic Website Capture Technology

PageFreezer is proud to announce the release of the 3rd generation of its dynamic website capture and archiving technology.

PageFreezer has been one of the leaders in website crawling and archiving technology since 2009. Over the last two years, the company has redeveloped its website capture and archiving technology with  research and development funding support from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).


With complex Javascript and AJAX frameworks used in websites, PageFreezer’s 3rd generation dynamic web capture technology is capable of automatically and accurately capturing the most advanced websites including dynamic content, password-protected websites, personalized pages, form flows, and user path-based captures without the need for complicated scripting or engineering. The platform supports storage and data export in the WARC (ISO 28500:2017) open data standard as adopted by The National Archives and Records Administration of the United States and other governments around the world.

“Due to increasing complexity of dynamic and personalized websites, it is really difficult to capture dynamic website content accurately and automatically,” says Michael Riedijk, CEO of PageFreezer Inc., “We reviewed all open source technologies and found that none were really up to the task. We had to develop the next generation of dynamic web capture technologies from the ground up. PageFreezer’s latest release is the most advanced dynamic web capture software currently available, outperforming existing commercial and open source technologies.” 

With help from NRC IRAP, PageFreezer conducted an extensive research and development program over a two-year timeframe. As a result, one of the leading global Financial Services firms recently signed a contract after concluding that PageFreezer was the only web crawling technology that was capable of accurately capturing their highly personalized dynamic website for eDiscovery & regulatory compliance purposes.


Trusted by financial services firms, governments, corporations and Fortune 500s, PageFreezer’s dynamic web crawler is used to archive client websites and complete web pages for regulatory compliance and eDiscovery. With industry regulators demanding the collection and preservation of all online communications, having an archiving solution in place is an absolute requirement. Failure to preserve records in appropriate, replayable and verified formats can result in significant penalties from costly fines, to lawsuits, and more damaging reputation consequences.


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