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Pagefreezer Ranks on Growth 500 List for 3rd Consecutive Year

1I’m extremely proud to announce that Pagefreezer has again secured a position on the coveted annual Growth 500 list, the definitive ranking of Canada’s fastest-growing companies. This is the third year in a row that we’ve made it onto this exclusive list.   

Produced by some of Canada’s premier business and current affairs media brands, Canadian Business and Maclean’s, the Growth 500 ranks Canadian businesses on five-year revenue growth. With revenue growth of 520%, Pagefreezer was ranked at No. 174 on the overall Growth 500 list and No. 28 among Canada’s fastest-growing software companies.

rawpixel-698599-unsplash“The companies on the 2019 Growth 500 are truly remarkable. Demonstrating foresight, innovation, and smart management, their stories serve as a primer for how to build a successful entrepreneurial business today,” said Beth Fraser, Growth 500 program manager, during the announcement of the 2019 list. “As we celebrate over 30 years of the Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies program, it’s encouraging to see that entrepreneurship is healthier than ever in this country.”

We’re so excited to have made the list for the third year in a row. The fact that we’re enjoying this kind of organic growth is a testament to our team and the fact that there’s a real need in the market for the solutions we offer.

2019 has been an exciting year at Pagefreezer. In addition to making the 2019 Growth 500 list, we also grew our product offering with new solutions like mobile text message archiving, achieved ISO 27001 certification, expanded into new markets, refreshed our branding, and nearly doubled our employee count to over 50 people. 

We’re growing and maturing as an organization, but we never want to lose that agility we’ve enjoyed as a startup—and we plan on maintaining this kind of revenue growth. We’ll hopefully remain a fixture on the annual Growth 500 list for many years to come.     

Want to join one of Canada’s fastest-growing companies? We’re hiring—visit our Careers Page to see a list of current openings!

Michael Riedijk
Michael Riedijk
With more than 20 years of experience building successful technology companies in Europe and North America, Michael Riedijk is recognized as a leading innovator in compliance technologies. Originally from The Netherlands, Michael relocated to Canada and launched Pagefreezer in 2010.

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