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Beyond The Desk: Ludik Duran

Probably one of the people with the most diverse backgrounds on our team, our Support Engineer, Ludik was born in Slovakia, to Nicaraguan and Chilean parents, and raised in Australia. Spending most of his career in Customer Support, Ludik plays an essential role on our team to support customers with their website and social media archives. He’s also the person we whine to in the office when the internet is down. Here’s how it went when we sat down to get to know our hero a little better:

What was your dream job as a child?

As a kid, my dream job was Video Game Tester working with my best friend. These days, I’m loving the website archive troubleshooting and support that I do. Though I still try and make time for video games every now and again.

How would you describe the PageFreezer team and work culture from your own experience?
Close knit; we’re like a second family. We spend a lot of time together, at work and outside. The office is always a relaxed environment with music playing and people usually discussing random sports topics that I don’t understand.

What makes you laugh the most?
Happy hour fridays, since we’re all so close, we are very comfortable around each other. I’m also a big fan of stand up comedy and am compiling a set full of dad jokes.

Working on the support team, what are some of your notable achievements over the past year to help ensure we provide the best customer experience?

We expanded the support team with the addition of Danny Ngo, he’s been a huge help to us by taking over initial contacts with customers. This gives me more time to resolve those trickier and tougher issues with the archives, which means less downtime for archives.

I’ve also had the opportunity to stretch my scripting and programming muscles, automating a lot of our manual tasks. This saves a lot of time so that we can work on any issues that arise for our customers.

You have such a lovable relationship with our office dog, Kobe. Tell us a bit about your daily interactions with him. 

First things first, I have to greet him when I walk into the office. A high pitched voice is a requirement to ensure that he knows that I’m speaking to him. Throughout the day I will scratch his belly and cradle him in my arms. When I first started working here, he hated being cradled and would struggle; I convinced him otherwise. It has been over 12 years since I’ve had a dog, so Kobe gets all of my dog affection when he’s in the office. I’m pretty sure my cats know of my betrayal when I get home.

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If you’d like to connect with Ludik, find him on Linkedin here. If you're curious about our work culture or current PageFreezer opportunities click here.

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