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Beyond The Desk: David Proctor

Meet David, a software developer who works in PageFreezer’s main office in Vancouver as part of the Product development team. David is passionate about ensuring our customers get the best experience. Get to know him a little better in his “Beyond the Desk” interview:


What are you responsible for at PageFreezer?

I’m a backend software developer working in Go, so I’m responsible for designing, programming, and monitoring some of the systems that keep our archives operating quickly and correctly. One part of the job I really appreciate is how modern the technology I get to work with is. Go is a fascinating, cutting-edge language that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work with at some of my prior jobs. I also appreciate the independence I’m given in this position - I have the authority to make all of the technical calls that I think are best, but also the responsibility to be able to justify and argue for them.

How would you describe the PageFreezer team?

It’s a great crew of people! I’m often in the office at PF’s Friday “Happy Hour” for an hour after the work day ends because I’m just enjoying relaxing with my co-workers. It’s a nice atmosphere during the work day, too, where there’s an easy flow between focused work and a brief break to discuss books or local conspiracy theories. The real MVPs are the office dogs, who keep us focused on the important things in life.

The most “to die for” food/dish?

If I had to stick with a single cuisine for the rest of my life I’d probably pick Greek. The Mediterranean diet is supposed to be very healthy, no other culture does potatoes better, and if it’s good enough for Socrates, it’s good enough for me. This is all assuming someone else is cooking it for me, because if I have to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen more than a few times a week I’m just going to end up eating raw rice from the bag.


If you could visit any place in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?

This is a very real question because it seems like folks around the office are always bringing back foreign snacks from interesting places all over the world. Right now I have some plans to visit friends in Stockholm, but I’ve never been to China, and I spent a fair amount of time studying the country in university. I’d love to go somewhere as huge as Hong Kong or wander the alleys in Beijing.

Hip hop or country?

All of the good country is from before 1990 and all of the good hip hop came after 1990. The only exceptions are Zac Brown’s “Chicken Fried” and Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend.” I will go to my grave defending this position.


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